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It's not just a wedding, it's a 'project'


Erica and I had a dinner meeting tonight, before going to see a play, to get down on paper some of our wedding to-do list items, because it is, after all, April, and we've been telling everyone we'd have wedding answers for them in April. Heck, we've been telling ourselves we'd have wedding answers in April.

We ended up with a couple of notebook pages with the start of to-do lists on them, and I thought I'd throw them into a Word document tonight. But we've also got a couple of Excel charts of people's addresss and such that we've been trading back and forth over email. Those have been problematic, because we keep losing track of who has the latest version of the files. So I went looking for a simple document-management system that I could install on my website, to let us share and manage these few documents. Well, in the course of looking for that I came across Basecamp and I ended up setting up a Basecamp project for our wedding. Basecamp is a web-based, hosted project management and collaboration tool and it's got Milestones and To-Do Lists and File-Storage -- everything needed for a simple wedding planner. And 37signals is Chicago-based.

Half-way through setting up the project, Erica remembered that The Knot has similar checklists and such, and they are of course already wedding-centric. But Basecamp is so easy to use that I think anyone could take one of those wedding-books-that's-really-just-a-bunch-of-checklists and turn it into a Basecamp project in a half an hour or so.


You guys are so deliciously nerdified and organized that I'm a little turned on. Is that cool with you?