
April 3, 2007


Pez Heads, originally uploaded by Fuzzy Gerdes.

April 17th will be mine and Fuzzy's 3 year anniversary of being a couple. Amazing. Every day I am overwhelmed with how lucky and blessed I am to be with Fuzzy, and to be married to him, no less! I am the luckiest gal in the world!!

There are lots of Anniversaries to celebrate in the family:
Rachael and Don just celebrated their 40th anniversary in February.
Christopher and Katie just celebrated their 6 year anniversary together, and are about to have their 4th wedding annversary at the end of the month.
Mom and Dad are about to celebrate their 32nd anniversary.
Heidi and Marc celebrated their 8th anniversary a few months ago.
And July is on its way for Fuzzy and my 1st anniversary!

Congrats everyone!!

May 12, 2006

Jeanne and Jeff

Jeanne's engagement ring

My other sister, Jeanne, got engaged to her boyfriend Jeff last night. Whee!

April 26, 2006

Tory and Steve's Wedding


Erica's friend and co-Camenae-member Tory Crowe got married this last weekend to her fiancee Steve Geary. I barely made it back from Phoenix for the wedding, but I was there to video the ceremony.

Of course the wedding was important to Tory and Steve, but it was important to us, too -- it was Sara's first time officiating a wedding, and so a chance for us to find out if she was a total spaz at it or what. Fortunately, she was a delightful officiant and I'm looking forward to having her guide our wedding ceremony.

April 4, 2006

Carrie and Matt's website

Carrie and Mugsy (excuse me... Matt)'s wedding website is up. All the cool kids are doing it.

March 17, 2006

Allison and Gavin

My friend Allison just got engaged to her boyfriend Gavin at Navy Pier, with temporary tattoos and stained glass playing a role.

March 9, 2006

Dana and Bilal's Engagement Photo

Dana and Bilal

Dana and Bilal's engagement photo is nearly as cute as ours. Yes, I said cute. Samurais are the new kittens, didn't you hear?

Oh, and their photo was taken by Johnny Knight, who has an ongoing series of photos of brides in unusual situations.

March 7, 2006

Mugsy and Carrie

Mugsy and Carrie got engaged. Congrats! (part 2, pictures of the moment)

January 5, 2006

Congrats, Dan and Vicky

Dan and Victoria are Awesome

So, our friends Dan and Victoria did, in fact, get married.

Of course, for the next 9 months, every wedding we go to (and Erica can correct my exaggeration here) and I think we have 20 or 30 coming up this year, will simply be grist for the planning-our-own-wedding mill. Green dress - noted. Penguin theme - noted. Reception hall - noted.

(Yes, penguin theme. There was a delightful note in the program about how penguins mate for life and go on silly walks.)

December 28, 2005

It's in the air

Barbara and Erica

While we were in Vicksburg for the Reid family Christmas, Erica caught up with her friend Barbara who had also just gotten engaged. Her fiancee proposed to her in a deer stand while they were watching an alligator named "Stumpy" that had taken up residence on her father's property. Ah, Mississippi.

While we're on the topic, congrats to our friends Dana and Bilal and Brian and Megan who have gotten engaged (respectively, not all to each other) in the last month, too.

December 14, 2005

Those cookies are getting married


Erica's improv group KOKO had their gift exchange this weekend and Andrea Swanson gave Erica, among other things, these home-made and hand-decorated cookies. I'm guessing we can look forward to a year of wedding stuff.