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Your Itinerary

If you're getting in town early or leaving late or what have you, well of course we'd love to see you (if we can). And who knows, maybe some of our mutual friends would like to see you, too. Leave your itinerary in the comments so everyone can see everyone. Make-a sense?

(Thanks, Lawrence, for the suggestion.)


Emma, Simon, and I will be arriving by Amtrak at 9:05am on Thursday, July 27.

We will be staying at the Best Western University Plaza
1501 Sherman Ave
Evanston, IL 60201

Room is booked under my name.

We will be leaving by Amtrak at 2:15pm on Sunday, July 30.

If you have time to hang out with me and the kids, they'd love to see you. And they've never met you, Erica.

Trish and I will be flying our small airplane into Midway on Friday the 28th. We'll be staying in Shaun's spare room.

We'll be staying until Tuesday so looking for a good time after the wedding.

We get in Tuesday morn at 9 on Amtrak, leave Sunday evening at 8 on Amtrak. At least that is what the tickets say!!!!

Arrive ORD 8:15PM on Friday and leave at 5:32PM on Sunday out of ORD

The Buford/Dixon entourage will fly into O'Hare at 4pm (God willing). We will be lost like geese in high weeds, but I printed out the map to the wedding so we will be sure we know the way!